Use Paint Remover
Taking old paint off a deck might seem like a task that might not turn out too well, but with the right techniques, it will look brand new. Take time to remove debris and furniture off the deck. Prepping will make a difference to an even result and less work. Using a paint remover product will break down the old paint. I have had great success with Jasco premium paint and epoxy remover. Apply generously to the deck surface with a paintbrush and wait five minutes or less and brush it off with a wire brush.
The deck should not be in direct sunlight or you will need to work faster before the paint remover dries. The paint remover works better in cooler, overcast days. If it is a sunny day, you can place an umbrella over the areas you apply the paint remover because it will dry slower and have a chance to break down the paint. Start scrubbing with the wire brush in brisk lines parallel to the boards. If you scrub across, it may create unsightly lines across the boards instead of cleaning the grains and cracks of the board. The paint should easily come off like gummy. You can use a paint scraper too, but it will not take care of paint in the cracks.
Sand the Deck
Use a palm sander to even out the surface of the deck and make it smooth for painting. A course sandpaper should be used such as a 60-grit. The higher the number, the finer the sandpaper is. The finer sandpaper is for more delicate finish and not necessary for decks.
Pressure wash the Deck
Use a fan (white) tip on the pressure washer wand. Do not use the high pressure tips such as an X-jet tip because more gouging may occur and make sure the tip is a foot or more away from the surface of the deck. Spray in even, methodical lines across the boards in the direction of the planks not perpendicular. Do not stop in the middle or there may be uneven marks left. Work end to end. The pressure of the water will take off any residual paint and make the boards clean.
Wait a few weeks for it to completely dry because the water in the boards need drying time. The surface may look dry after a few days, but there is still water on the inside. Once weeks have gone by, you may seal, stain or paint the deck.
If you would like Billy Goat Gutter Cleaning to prep your deck and stain for you, contact us here.