Working on a roof is a dangerous job. Yet, many people ignore safety rules and forgo proper PPE (personal protection equipment). This is why the mortality rate for roofers is so high. It is easy to become jaded and forgetful when it comes to safety. Today, let us go over several types of fall protection that make working on a roof safe for you and others on the job site.

A full-body harness is your fall arrest system’s first and possibly most important part. Having a harness that fits well and is comfortable is always a compromise. Fortunately, you have many options when it comes to harnesses. I personally like light unpadded x harnesses, stay on my shoulders, and fit my body shape well. On the other end of the spectrum you have fully padded H-style harnesses that hug your body and limit mobility, I hate these. These fully padded harnesses slow you down. This makes it much more difficult to regain your balance if you start to fall. When selecting a harness it would be best to find a business that sells safety gear and try on different styles until you find what’s right for you.
Safety lanyards come in several different styles. They are key to good fall protection
Non-Shock Absorbing Lanyards are available in a variety of lengths, from 2′-6′, and hook options, including snap hooks and rebar hooks. Because they do not include a shock absorbing component, these lanyards are for use in Work Positioning and Restraint applications only.
Shock Absorbing Lanyards with Snap Hooks are the premiere free fall lanyard. It meets all the ANSI Z359.13-2009 regulations, and the integrated shock-absorbing component limits average arresting forces to 900 pounds or less. These are the best choice when working at height.
Dual shock-absorbing adjustable lanyards enables you to move from one anchor to another while remaining tied off.
Rope grabs lock automatically in case of a fall. This fall protection is available in a variety of styles, are compatible with ropes from 5/8 to 1/2 inches thick, and are supremely durable.
Roof anchors come in two types, permanent and temporary. Make sure they have been inspected.
Permanent commercial Anchors are used for many fall arrest situations. The anchors can be installed in concrete, metal, and wood. The commercial anchors are compatible with extensive use of connecting devices, including self-retracting lifelines, shock-absorbing lanyards, and vertical and horizontal lifelines.
Temporary anchors such as the Ridge Pro are great for jobs that don’t have permanent anchors. These anchors hook over the ridge of the roof and provide fall protection without damaging the building.
We all know working at height is dangerous. If you have the right tools you can get the job done safely. If you are not interested in working on you your roof give Billy Goat a call and we can get the job done for you.